Governing Council Elections Process
Each spring in accordance with BSA Operating Procedures & By-Laws BSA sends out a call for nominations to encourage people to run for open seats on Berkeley Staff Assembly's Governing Council (GC). Members of GC are elected for a three-Year term based on the fiscal year with terms beginning July 1- June 30. As a result, approximately one-third of the council rotates off to make room for new members to join in. The number of open seats varies each year depending on how many current GC members have completed their terms.
Governing Council Elections (2024 Elections are April 11 through June 6)
Voting is open to all active non-academic staff with a CalNet ID and passphrase to access the ballot.
- Email addresses are automatically collected to ensure that each staff member only votes once.
- Staff may vote for as many of the candidates running as they like (yes or abstain) and have access to statements by the candiates on the ballot and linked voter guide.
- Candidates receiving the most Yes votes are elected to the Governing Council until all open seats are filled.
- Names have been randomized to ensure fair results.
- Your ballot has to be submitted before the close of the voting period to count.
Call For Nominations
Staff are encouraged to nominate engaged staff members who are willing to commit some time and effort into sharing and advocating for staff concerns. You may nominate any current Berkeley staff member(s), including yourself.
Serving on the GC is fun, challenging, and a great way to network and develop leadership and interpersonal skills. GC members have the opportunity to meet staff from all over campus while working collaboratively on BSA activities. Current BSA programs include:
- Excellence in Management Award
- Mentorship Program
- Programs & Events (including BSA’s Chancellor’s Chat)
- New Professionals Network
- Communications: monthly newsletter, email updates, social media and website development
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
We also encourage proposals for new BSA initiatives.
Members of the elections committee will contact all nominated individuals to find out if they are willing to run for Governing Council. We encourage all staff interested in joining the GC to attend an upcoming meeting. See calendar for details. Those who accept the nomination will be asked to submit a candidate statement to be used in the elections ballot.
Sample Candidate Statements BSA Governing Council