Briefly explain what your Staff Organization does/its mission:
The Bear Pantry was first established in 2009 by a student parent living in the Village who wanted to serve low income families and those with dependent minors. Since then, the Bear Pantry has evolved to a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with dedicated staff to support basic needs efforts at UVA.
How does your Staff Organization benefit UC Berkeley staff?
The Pantry is open to all UVA community members (residents and staff) and currently provides produce, hygiene products, and baby products as well as emergency food services for residents experiencing crisis. Our work is possible through donations and essential partnerships with UC Berkeley offices and community organizations such as The Basic Needs Center, Student Parent Food Donations Program, Berkeley Food Network, Alameda County Community Food Bank, and Help a Mother Out.
How can UC Berkeley staff find out more about your Staff Organization?
The Bear Pantry is working on a special community engagement event that aims to strengthen connections between UC Berkeley, our local grocers & restaurants, and the families & students throughout UVA & XR that the BP is honored to serve. The Bear Pantry Volunteer Day is a community engagement event designed to bring UC Berkeley staff closer to the Bear Pantry and the families it serves. Berkeley Staff Assembly members will have the opportunity to volunteer alongside our dedicated Bear Pantry staff & volunteers, interacting directly with residents while assisting with the pantry's day-to-day operations. The event will take place Every Thursday in March from 10am-2pm: 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27.
What kinds of events and/or outreach does your staff organization engage in?
The staff who work the Bear Pantry are called Basic Needs Assistants. They are responsible for food recovery (picking up donations), organizing inventory, handing out food, produce, staple products, and other important supplies (i.e. diapers, detergent, hygiene products, etc...). Check out our assortment of events & outreach here -->
What’s the best part of being in this Staff Organization?
Being a member of the Bear Pantry continues to provide a wide variety of benefits... One of the absolute best parts of being a part of the Pantry Family is the knowledge that each day we help to provide access to nutritious food, toiletries, and other essential items that can help ease an assortment of financial stress and familial burdens. The Pantry arose from a need within our community, and it continues to be staffed & supported by those who are invested in its ongoing wellbeing.
Name one thing you learned by being part of this Staff Organization?
One thing that I've learned by being a part of this Staff Organization is just how strong & connected the community of Albany is. The Bear Pantry wouldn't be possible without the donations of local grocery stores and restaurants dedicated to supporting UVA residents and families experiencing any level of food insecurity. By having access to resources, people in our community often feel more in control of their situation and in turn they are better able to meet their short & long-term needs.
What are your Staff Organization's current and future goals?
We aim to reduce food insecurity, promote sustainability, and foster an inclusive community. One long-term/future-oriented goal shared by the Bear Pantry Manager is as follows: Collaborate with the College of Environmental Design to develop a detailed plan for upgrading the pantry facilities. Hold at least 3 design consultation meetings and produce a draft upgrade plan that outlines improvements to the pantry’s layout, accessibility, and sustainability. Engage faculty and students from the College of Environmental Design and establish a project timeline with clear milestones. Upgrading the pantry’s facilities will enhance operational efficiency and create a more welcoming space for the community.