Volunteer Opportunity to help Students for Thanksgiving

November 15, 2016

Dear Friends -

Rec Sports and our partner, the Hotel Durant & Henry's, will be hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner for 300 Cal students who are unable to travel home for the Holiday.  We would like to invite Rec Sports partners and staff to volunteer their support of the event as wait staff, greeters, food servers and table mentors. 
Please register online for your preferred time period.  We appreciate your support and consideration. 
  1. Date: Tuesday, November 22
  2. Event Time: 4:30 - 9:00pm
  3. Set Up - 9:00am - 12:00pm
  4. Dinner times: 4:30 - 6:00pm6:00 - 7:30pm and 7:30 - 9:00pm
  5. Volunteers: 10 per meal times and event set-up/ take down

Joe Watz I Director 

Marketing, Communications & Business Development - Recreational Sports

Campus Relations - University Business Partnerships & Services

University of California Berkeley

2301 Bancroft Way I Berkeley, CA 94720

P: 510-642-8556 I E: joewatz@berkeley.edu

W: recsports.berkeley.edu I upp.berkeley.edu 


Mitzi Iñiguez, M.S.
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
Assistant Director
119 Cesar Chavez Student Center #4210
University of California, Berkeley
Appt:   (510) 642-7224
Facebook: EOP @ Cal
Make a Gift to EOP today at eop.berkeley.edu