URGENT: Campus power outage watch

October 8, 2019


As you may know, PG&E has announced that most of the Bay Area is on alert for a potential power outage starting on Wednesday or Thursday, to guard against fire dangers that may accompany anticipated high winds.  Parts of the campus community could be impacted if a power outage occurs in our area. Campus leaders and emergency officials are convening throughout the day today to gather the latest information from PG&E, and a follow up email will be sent to the campus community later today. To ensure you are getting the latest campus alerts as quickly as possible, please sign up for text alerts from WarnMe: warnme.berkeley.edu

Here are some additional sources of information about power outages and how to prepare:

Emergency prep at home: https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/emergencies/emergency-management/preparing-for-an-emergency

Weather and Power Shut offs:      https://www.pge.com/en_US/safety/emergency-preparedness/natural-disaster/wildfires/psps-weather-map.page

Marc Fisher 

Vice Chancellor, Administration 

Alicia Johnson

Director, Office of Emergency Management

If you are a manager who supervises UC Berkeley employees without email access, please circulate this information to all.

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