Staff Organization Spotlight: Black Staff & Faculty Organization

Image of the members of the Black Staff and Faculty Association together
February 1, 2025

Briefly explain what your Staff Organization does/its mission:

BSFO was developed in 1979 to address the issues and concerns unique to employees at UC Berkeley.

How does your Staff Organization benefit UC Berkeley staff?

The mission of BSFO is to create a climate that is conducive to the well-being and professional development aspirations of Black staff, faculty, and students.

How can UC Berkeley staff find out more about your Staff Organization?

Send an email to to request membership, which includes being added to our BSFO monthly newsletter.

What kinds of events and/or outreach does your staff organization engage in?

What’s the best part of being in this Staff Organization?

Community building with Black colleagues from across campus and across the UC system.

What is one thing you have learned by being part of this organization?

Sharing of information and resources that help to sustain us in our roles across campus and building systemwide relationships with people we may not have otherwise met apart from BSFO.

What are your Staff Organization's current and future goals?

To broaden our reach and ensure that all Black staff, faculty, students know about that BSFO exists and that their involvement is needed and welcomed.

Where can people find out more about your staff organization?

UC Berkeley Staff Organizations | Black Staff and Faculty Organization

Logo of Golden Bear with BSFO Acronym on it for Black Staff and Faculty Organization