Staff Organization Spotlight: The Berkeley Facilitators Network

January 8, 2025

Briefly explain what your Staff Organization does/its mission:

The Berkeley Facilitators Network (BFN) is devoted to building the capacity of skilled facilitation on campus by providing a community of practice where colleagues can make connections, find support, receive training, and share best practices on the topic of facilitation.

How does your Staff Organization benefit UC Berkeley staff?

We believe that facilitation is a key skillset for any staff member who leads meetings, fosters collaboration, or navigates complex group dynamics. With a focus on inclusivity, innovation, and mutual understanding, the Berkeley Facilitators Network (BFN) offers training, resources and networking opportunities to empower staff to lead with purpose, facilitate team growth, and make decisions that reflect diverse perspectives and shared goals.

How can UC Berkeley staff find out more about your Staff Organization?

BFN is open to any UC Berkeley staff member with an interest in facilitation. Email to be added to our listserv, events calendar, or both.

What kinds of events and/or outreach does your staff organization engage in?

BFN offerings include:

Circles of practice where staff learn facilitation skills from each other Workshops and training on specific facilitation skills Training by professional facilitators on timely topics Networking events and career-building events.

Past examples of offerings: Training on Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision Making by Sam Kaner 3-Part Anti-Racist Facilitation Cohort Training Member-led workshops on topics like: Influencing Buy-in without Authority or The Creative Process of Team Decision-Making.

*We would particularly like to highlight our upcoming panel on Career Pathways in Facilitation in February 2025.*

What’s the best part of being in this Staff Organization?

BFN is truly a community of practice where we learn alongside each other and from each other. We hold circles of practice where members discuss real life examples and share facilitation ideas based on their experience.

What are your Staff Organization's current and future goals?

We are currently focused on community building and recruitment. Towards this intention, we are hosting a panel on Career Pathways in Facilitation in February 2025 (date TBD) featuring staff across campus who can showcase facilitation in action at Berkeley.

Where can people find out more about your staff organization? 

BFN Logo