New Campus Policies on Gift Fund Minima and Payout Distribution from Endowed Chairs and Professorships

August 21, 2018

Dear Berkeley Faculty and Staff,

We are writing to introduce two new campus policies – the Policy on Philanthropic Gift Fund Minima and the Policy on Payout Distribution from Endowed Chairs and Professorships. Both policies are effective immediately and supersede all previously published campus guidelines in these areas.

The policies are an outcome of a task force of deans, campus administrators, UC Berkeley Foundation trustees, and professional fundraisers. While new, they replace similar guidelines and practices in place at Berkeley for many years. In developing its recommendations, the taskforce considered input from the Council of Science and Engineering Deans, the Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation, the Committee on Budget and Interdepartmental Relations, and the Graduate Council.

 The Policy on Philanthropic Gift Fund Minimareflects increased funding levels for named philanthropic gift funds; that is, funds that bear donors’ names or the names of people they want to honor.  The new levels, which Berkeley’s fundraising community has been using since July 1, 2017, are supported by both extensive benchmarking against peer private and public universities as well as Berkeley’s assessment of what its donor base will support.

The Policy on Payout Distribution from Endowed Chairs and Professorships leaves in place and codifies the distribution approach for chairs and professorships established prior to July 1, 2017 (i.e., it will not be implemented retroactively). The distribution for those established since July 1, 2017 provides an annual scholarly allowance of $25,000 for the chairholder and the remainder to the campus’s faculty salary pool to support all Berkeley faculty. Maintaining the excellence of Berkeley’s faculty is one of Berkeley’s most pressing priorities, and this faculty salary pool contributes significantly to our being able to recruit and retain the highest caliber faculty.  

Two other documents, which should be used in combination with these two polices, have also been updated. They are Berkeley’s Academic Guidelines for Endowed Chairs and Professorships and Administrative Guidelines for Endowed Chairs and Professorships.

Questions regarding these policies and guidelines may be directed to Nancy McKinney in Donor and Gift Services ( or to the Academic Personnel Office (, as appropriate.

A. Paul Alivisatos
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Julie Hooper
Vice Chancellor,  University Development and Alumni Relations

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